Countering Antisemitism & Hate: A How-To Guide for Youth (8-18), Family and Educators

A Guidebook With Solutions

We need to prepare our children, ‘tweens and teens early and consistently for the challenges they face from antisemitism, bullying and other bias.

Who Needs This Book?

Parents, grandparents and educators of Jewish children

This unique Guidebook provides you with the tools to:

  • Form a T.E.A.M. with your family to effectively support and protect each other.
  • Foster Jewish identity and pride – the foundation for youth to “stand up and speak out.”
  • Model courage and resilience in your home and classrooms.
  • Teach youth the best online strategies to counter hate, tropes and cyberbullying.
  • Understand and unleash the power of practice to create more prepared youth.
  • Recognize a safety issue and understand why it is incumbent for us to speak up.
  • Link to effective resources – books, websites and organizations.
  • Make this journey with youth interactive, fun and engaging!

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